Electrical Board Exam Results

Time has bye and yet without noticed that we have a thousand and thousands of professional electrical engineer(PEE), Registered electrical engineering(REE) and Registered Master Electrician in the philippines and maybe millions on the planet earth. In this article I would
Collect the useful links by year and months so that we could just do search easily the top 10, the total no. of examinees who pass and etc.. We know that PRC is the agency in charge of the professional sector and they play an important role to provide the development of the professional industry also a public services. So, I will always update this articles every time I found in the search engine the most latest and past exam results and please don't hesitate to do a comments if you have something to add thanks and God Bless us all.

November 2010 (Middle East)
40 out of 137
88 out of 185
Board Examinations given by the BEE in: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Al-Khobar and Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in Doha, Qatar

September 2010
913 out of 2,686 
529 out of 1,456
Licensure Examinations given by the Board of Electrical Engineering.

May 2010
457 out of 1,611 REE
539 out of 1,408 RME in Manila, Baguio, Cagayan De Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo and Legazpi

December 2009 (Middle East)
79 out of 281

September 2009
1,101 out of 2,613
13 2009 licensure exams

September 2008
1,317 out of 3,552 passed the REE Licensure Examination given by the Board of Electrical Engineering

May 2009
527 out of 1,497
465 out of 1,120
2 out of 2 PEengineer

September 2008
938 out of 3173

May 2008
705 out of 2,494 passed

December 2007 (Middle East)
18 out of 133

The members of the Board of EE who gave the licensure examinations are Engr. Fortunato C. Leynes, Chairman; Engr. Jaime V. Mendoza and Engr. Francis V. Mapile , Members.

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