Rapid ebooks Circuit Design, robotics, mobile robotics

Trade-Offs in Analog Circuit Design
The book covers ten subject areas: Design methodology, Technology, General Performance, Filters, Switched Circuits, Oscillators, Data Converters, Transceivers, Neural Processing, and Analog CAD. Within these subject areas it deals with a wide diversity of trade-offs ranging from frequency-dynamic range and power, gain-bandwidth, speed-dynamic range and phase noise, to tradeoffs in design for manufacture and IC layout. The book has by far transcended its original scope and has become both a designer's companion as well as a graduate textbook.

Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics I

The research papers focus on real world applications, covering three main themes: Intelligent Control Systems, Optimization, Robotics and Automation, Signal Processing, Systems Modeling and Control.

Autonomous Mobile Robots
The book examines in detail the key components that form an autonomous mobile robot, from sensors and sensor fusion to modeling and control, map building and path planning, and decision making and autonomy, and to the final integration of these components for diversified applications. Trusted Guidance A duo of accomplished experts leads a team of renowned international researchers and professionals who provide detailed technical reviews and the latest solutions to a variety of important problems.

Design of Digital Video Coding Systems
It demonstrates how the combination of discrete cosine transform (DCT) coders and motion compensated (MC) units reduces power consumption and hardware complexity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey thank you for the free e-books..

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