Electrical Engineering: Know It All, Circuit Design

Algorithms for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks
To give a first overview of algorithmic results on wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. Its focus is on algorithms and protocols that allow for an analysis of their efficiency and efficacy. Many chapters deal with distributed algorithms, in particular local and localized algorithms.

mm-Wave Silicon Technology
This book covers device modeling, circuit building blocks, phased array systems, and antennas and packaging. It focuses on the techniques that uniquely take advantage of the scale and integration offered by silicon based technologies.

Breaking Ocean Waves
This book represents the most comprehensive description of the physical findings of an investigation into the spatio-temporal characteristics of the gravity of breaking waves and the foam activity in open sea by methods and instruments of optical and microwave remote sensing.Geometry, Structure and Remote Sensing.

Electrical Engineering: Know It All
All covers the essential areas of electrical engineering, it is more practical than most of the large EE handbooks, offering tips, tools of the trade, design and applications information along with summarized theory, equations and formulas that are normally found in such books.

Circuit Design: Know It All

To create hard-working desk references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf!

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