Electronics collections ebooks Digital, Mobile, Dictionary, Analog circuit, Radar, Telecommunication
The book is divided into six parts. The first three parts cover the basic technologies that are needed to support image processing applications. Part 1 contains three chapters concerned with the characterization of continuous images. Topics include the mathematical representation of continuous images, the psychophysical properties of human vision, and photometry and colorimetry. In Part 2, image sampling and quantization techniques are explored along with the mathematical representation of discrete images.
The mobile, wireless and personal features of mobile communications will have unprecedented importance in building a mobile multimedia society for the future. Mobile communications is expected to undergo dramatic progress through the development of a wide range of terminals, the advancement of network and gateway functions and the supply of various content and applications.
Was written for both the student and the professional who wish to obtain a solid foundation concerning how data communications systems operate, why, where, and when certain types of equipment should be networked together, and the role of evolving communications technologies. In revising this book I continued to include and expand upon many basic communications concepts.
The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics
New definitions have been added in the fields of wireless technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Every effort has been made to be concise and accurate, without “talking down” to the reader.
The Engineer’s Guide to Standards Conversion
One of the purposes of this guide is to explore the areas in which standards conversion technology is now applied. A modern standards converter is a complex device with a set of specialist terminology to match. This guide explains the operation of converters in plain English and defines any terms used.
The Art and science of Analog Circuit Design
This book that it will come across as an exercise in discord, is also its promise. As it went together. The author presented tutorial, historical, and editorial viewpoints on subjects related to analog circuit design.
This book aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed treatment of various antenna array processing schemes, adaptive algorithms to adjust the required weighting on antennas, direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation methods including performance comparisons, diversity-combining methods to combat fading in mobile communications, and effects of errors on array system performance and error-reduction schemes.
The Short-range Wireless Communication
This book aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed treatment of various antenna array processing schemes, adaptive algorithms to adjust the required weighting on antennas, direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation methods including performance comparisons, diversity-combining methods to combat fading in mobile communications, and effects of errors on array system performance and error-reduction schemes.
Introduction to RF electronics
Radio-frequency (RF) electronics differ from other electronics because the higher frequencies make some circuit operation a little hard to understand. Stray capacitance and stray inductance afflict these circuits.
Satellite Communication Engineering
SWignal processing serves to report up-to-date developments and advances in the field. The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following. Signal theory and analysis, Statistical signal processing, Speech and audio processing, Image and video processing, Multimedia signal processing and technology, Signal processing for communications, Signal processing architectures and VLSI design.
Radar Principles
The term Radar is an acronym made up of the words radio detection and ranging. The term is used to refer to electronic equipment that detect the presence, direction, height, and distance of objects by using reflected electromagnetic energy.
To provide an efficient introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles underlying the study of queueing systems as they apply to telecommunications networks and systems.
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