IIEE-ICA Electrical EngineeringTechnical Manuals free pdf ebooks

Last Augusts 25-27, 2011 The International Copper Association – South East Asia and Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. gaves us a Three free books with CD of free ebooks a pdf file on the 15th Southern Mindanao Regional Conference. The three free books all about the abstract for the presentation of the contents of three technical manuals through the initiative of international copper association southern (ICASEA) and administered, executed, and implemented of ICA, a non-profit organization promoting the efficient use of copper in the industry. The main objective of ICASEA is to advance copper as the material of choice for current makets and new applications given its superior attributes in terms of technical performance, aesthetic value, sustainability, essentiality for life, and its contribution to a higher standard of living listed below are the following
which is ready to download a pdf file.

Power Transformer
This manual shows how a transformer can be put to use appropriately in a particular situation. The purpose of this manual is to facilitate the physical understanding, selection, ordering, operation, and maintenace of transformer. The target readers are personnel involved in the various stages of a transformer's sevice life from planning the investment to the disposal of the transformer after use.

Electrical Motors and Drives
This manual deals primarily with small and medium sized induction motors which are the most common type of alternating current motor including asynchronous motor starting systems. They are internationally standardized and are efficienctly in long production runs. The combination of new materials and more sophistacated methods for calculation, design and production have made the modern three phase induction motors a robust and realible prime mover.

Power Cables and Wire
Power Cable and Wires technical manual was written to address the needs of by consumers, specifiers, and purchasers to have a ready reference guide in correctly specifying or ordering the appropriateness of cables and or wires, from the conductor to the insulator, are each discussed in this manual so as to educate or inform the reader of its fundamental use or purpose to the final product.

All About Electric Motors machinery Controls links tutorials

Handbook of Small Electric Motors free ebook - I Found this site full of free ebook on electrical machinary

Electric Motor Controls
understanding the many various control devices available and their uses and limitations becomes an important part related to reliable operation and protection of the motor and the personnel using the motor.Certain pieces of motor control equipment can accomplish multiple functions from each of the topics or categories.

Instrumentation And Control
Tutorials on Electric Actuators. Electrically actuated system are very widely used in control systems because they are easy to interface with the control systems which are also elecric and because electricity is easily available unlike fluid power which require pumps and compressors.

The Three Phase Induction Motor
Thomas Edison He invented the incandescent lamp in 1879 and began immediately to develop a power generating and distribution system to promote it. His first power plant opened in new York City in 1882 and several others were built over the next few years. Most of the power generated by Edison’s plants went to lighting customers; however, DC motors were in use in industry by the 1880’s. Although Edison’s efforts were a limited financial success, it was soon recognized that DC systems suffered heavy power losses in transmissions over any distance.

A Brief Tutorial On Machine Vibration
These benign vibrations are characteristic of regular operation of a machine doing what it is supposed to do. The amplitudes will vary from machine to machine and are a measure of the quality of manufacturing and load condition. The presence of these benign vibrations at “normal” levels provides a comfortable feeling that the machine is still alive.

Motor Basics
Motors convert electrical energy to mechanical energy.Engines convert chemical energy to mechanical energy. Operating Principle, Motor Parts, Enclosure, Stator, Rotor, Wound Rotor Motors, Bearings, Other Parts,

All electric motors are governed by the laws of electromagnetism, and are subject to essentially the same constraints imposed by the materials copper and iron  from which they are made. We should therefore not be surprised to Wnd that at the fundamental level all motors – regardless of
type – have a great deal in common.  Although there are many diVerent types of converters, all except very low-power ones are based on some form of electronic switching. The need to adopt a switching strategy is emphasised in the Wrst example, where the consequences are explored in some depth. We will see that switching is essential in order to achieve high-eYciency power conversion, but that the resulting waveforms are inevitably less than ideal from the point of view of the motor.



There are two common methods of producing nuclear energy from an atom and these are by:

In the FISSION process, an atom absorbs a neutron, then it splits itself into two lighter fission elements. These fission elements have a lower mass than that of the original atom. This mass difference is converted into energy in the form of heat, (E = m x c sq.) ; Uranium (U-235) is the most widely used by nuclear plants for its nuclear fission, because this atom could be easily split apart; Spent fuel of U-235 is RADIOACTIVE. two atoms of light elements into one atom of a heavier element, the resulting mass is less than that of the fusing atoms; This mass difference is converted to energy according to Einstein’s equation, E = mc²; Fusion fuel is sourced usually fromdeuterium which is a hydrogen isotope. It is not radioactive and can be extracted from lake and ocean waters; However, fusion reactor is still far from developing commercially, due to its uncontrollable fusion reaction

There are two kinds of nuclear reactors commonly used by nuclear power plant via nuclear fission for power generation and these are:

2. Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)

In 1979, the Three Mile Island nuclear plant accident in USA happened due to a combination of personnel errors, deficient design, and component failures that led to a partial meltdown of reactor no. 2 (852 MW); Fortunately, the reactor vessel is adequately strong and contained the damaged fuel; In the case of the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine, in April 1986 reactor no. 4 (1000 MW) exploded due to reduced water coolant flow that raised the output uncontrolled; The accident resulted to a core meltdown and again the cause was attributed to human errors and faulty design.

Leading in the region, Iran will be operating its first nuclear power plant under the direct supervision of
Russia before the end of this year; United Arab Emirates has engaged a South Korean Group to build 4 nuclear power plants(4 x 1,400 MW) to start construction by Dec. 2010; Pres. Mubarak of Egypt has just issued the ‘go signal’ to start building the first nuclear power plant to be sited on the Mediterranean cost; In the mean-time, the rest of the Middle East countries each has singed nuclear energy agreement/accord with either France, Japan, Russia, Korea, U.S.A., etc.


Electrical Transmission lines Free PDF ebook download

Electrical Characteristics Of Transmission lines
Transmission lines are generally characterized by the following properties: balance-to-ground characteristic impedance attenuation per unit length velocity factor electrical length, Skin effect is a phenomenon that occurs in conductors carrying an AC current. As the frequency increases, the current tends to be concentrated near the surface of the conductor. At RF, almost no current flows down the center of wire. It is all on the surface.

Electrical Power Transmission Lines
Properties Values, and Compensation, The effects of electric power transmission lines on property values is a controversial issue, and conventional procedure appear to be a major source of public dicontent over the sitting of transmission lines.

Review of Transmission-line Theory
The term transmission-line in electromagnetics is commonly reserved for those structures which are capable of guiding TEM waves. Transmission-lines are a special class of the more general electromagnetic waveguide. TEM waves can only exist in structures which contain two or more separate conductors. Coaxial lines, parallel plates, and two-wire lines are examples of practical transmission-lines.

Wireless Sensor Network for Electric-Transmission
Line Monitoring, Obtain electric power line (or grid) information in real time independent of owners/operators of grid assets. Provide source of information that Government can use to obtain situational awareness of the electrical grid.

Introduction To Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Is a device designed to guide electrical energy from one point to another. It is used, for example, to transfer the output rf energy of a transmitter to an antenna. This energy will not travel through normal electrical wire without great losses. Although the antenna can be connected directly to the transmitter, the antenna is usually located some distance away from the transmitter. On board ship, the transmitter is located inside a radio room, and its associated antenna is mounted on a mast.

Transmission Line Protection Principles
Factors like de-regulated market environment, economics, rightof- way clearance and environmental requirements have pushed utilities to operate transmission lines close to their operating limits. Any fault, if not detected and isolated quickly will cascade into a system wide disturbance causing widespread outages for a tightly interconnected system operating close to its limits.

Transmission Line Corona
Under certain conditions, the localized electric
field near energized components and conductors can produce a tiny electric discharge or corona, that
causes the surrounding air molecules to ionize, or undergo a slight localized change of electric charge.
Utility companies try to reduce the amount of corona because in addition to the low levels of noise that
result, corona is a power loss, and in extreme cases, it can damage system components over time.

The Nature of Electricity
The current transmission grid includes not only transmission lines that run from power plants to load
centers, but also from transmission line to transmission line, providing a redundant system that helps assure the smooth flow of power. If a transmission line is taken out of service in one part of the power grid, the power normally reroutes itself through other power lines to continue delivering power to the customer.

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