The Flow Of Electricity On Transmission Lines Engineering Tutorials
Electricity is usually generated by a generator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The electricity is then run through a transformer where voltage is increased to several hundred thousand volts and in some instance to a million or more volts. This high voltage is necessary in order to increase the efficiency of power transmission over long distances.This high-transmission voltage is then stepped down reduced to normal 110 volt/220 volt household current by a transformer located near the point of use residence. The electricty is then transmitted to the house by a series of wires call a service drop. In areas where the electric wiring is underground, the wires leading to the building are burried in the ground. In order for electric current to flow, it must travel from a higher to a lower potential voltage. In an electrical system the hot wires black or red are at a higher potential that the neutral or ground wire white or green. Therefore, current will flow between the hot wires and the neutral or ground wires. The voltage is a measure of the force at which electricity is delivered. It is similar to pressure in a water supply system. Current is the quantity of flow of electricity. It is similar to measuring water in gallons per second. A watt is a measure of how much power is flowing. Electrity is sold in quantities of watt-hour. The earth, by virtue of moisture contained within the soil, serves as a very effective conductor. Therefore, in power transmission, instead of having both the hot and neutral wires carried by the transmission poles, one lead of the generator is connected to the ground, which serves as a conductor. Only hot wire are carried by the transmission towers. At the house or point where the electricity is to be used the circuit is completed by another connection to ground.
Tracing The Flow Of Electricity
The mesh Structure of high voltage transmission networks provides a large number of possible routes by which electrical power can flow from the sources generators to the sinks grid supply points.
Circuits and the Flow of Electricity
To understand current electricity, many vocabulary words must be introduced. The first
part of this lesson uses a hands-on, problem-solving activity that helps students define the
vocabulary terms and demonstrate the terms’ relationships. After gaining foundational
understanding, students create their own circuits.
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