IIEE-ICA Electrical EngineeringTechnical Manuals free pdf ebooks

Last Augusts 25-27, 2011 The International Copper Association – South East Asia and Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. gaves us a Three free books with CD of free ebooks a pdf file on the 15th Southern Mindanao Regional Conference. The three free books all about the abstract for the presentation of the contents of three technical manuals through the initiative of international copper association southern (ICASEA) and administered, executed, and implemented of ICA, a non-profit organization promoting the efficient use of copper in the industry. The main objective of ICASEA is to advance copper as the material of choice for current makets and new applications given its superior attributes in terms of technical performance, aesthetic value, sustainability, essentiality for life, and its contribution to a higher standard of living listed below are the following
which is ready to download a pdf file.

Power Transformer
This manual shows how a transformer can be put to use appropriately in a particular situation. The purpose of this manual is to facilitate the physical understanding, selection, ordering, operation, and maintenace of transformer. The target readers are personnel involved in the various stages of a transformer's sevice life from planning the investment to the disposal of the transformer after use.

Electrical Motors and Drives
This manual deals primarily with small and medium sized induction motors which are the most common type of alternating current motor including asynchronous motor starting systems. They are internationally standardized and are efficienctly in long production runs. The combination of new materials and more sophistacated methods for calculation, design and production have made the modern three phase induction motors a robust and realible prime mover.

Power Cables and Wire
Power Cable and Wires technical manual was written to address the needs of by consumers, specifiers, and purchasers to have a ready reference guide in correctly specifying or ordering the appropriateness of cables and or wires, from the conductor to the insulator, are each discussed in this manual so as to educate or inform the reader of its fundamental use or purpose to the final product.

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