the sinusoidal waveform - dc current vs. ac current, the sinusoidal ac waveform, Instantaneous Current and Voltage,
amplitude of a sinusoidal waveform - Peak and Peak-to-Peak Voltage, RMS Voltage, Average Voltage
frequency and period of a sinusoidal waveform - Period of a Waveform, Frequency of a Waveform , with question and answer
phase angle - Phase Angle , Leading and Lagging Phase Angles
sinusoidal power waveform - AC Power Waveform , Average AC Power
non-sinusoidal waveform - Rectangular Waveform, Amplitude and Period , Period and Duty Cycle , Sawtooth Waveform
basic ac theory - what is alternating current?, what is AC waveforms, measurement of ac magnitude, simple ac circuit calculation
ac phase, principles of radio, contributors.
AC METERING CIRCUITS - ac voltmeters and ammeters, frequency and phase measurement, power quality measurement, ac bridge circuits,
ac instrumentation transducers.
Resistors and Ohm's law in AC circuits
Bandwidth and Q factor
RMS and power in single and three phase AC circuits
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