free download electrical engineering part two

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1. The Electrical Engineering Handbook 71.02 Mega bytes
2. The Electrical Engineering Book 28.99 Mega bytes
3. High Voltage Engineering - Fundamental 4.14 Mega bytes
4. The JP Transformer Book 5.16 Mega bytes
5. Practucal Switching Power Supply Design 8.37 Mega bytes
6. Instrumentation Reference Book 27.51 Mega bytes
7. Electrical Engineering Dictionary 6.21 Mega bytes
8. Battery Reference Book 27.50 Mega bytes
9. Electric Vehicle Battery Systems 0.95 Mega bytes
10.Electrical Installations in Hazardous Area 28.37 Mega bytes
11.Neural & Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives & Power Systems 1.90 Mega bytes
12.Industrial Power Engineering & Applications Handbook 26.18 Mega bytes

Electronics engineering free download

1. Power Electronics Handbook (Rashid 2001 ) 20.68 Mega bytes
2. Power Electronics Handbook (Mazda 1997) 12.37 Mega bytes
3. Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems 6.23 Mega bytes
4. Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook 3.83 Mega bytes

control free download

1. Modern Control Engineering 8.45 Mega bytes
2. Fuzzy Controllers 3.00 Mega bytes
3. Adaptive Control Systems 2.06 Mega bytes
4. Observers in Control Systems 4.01 Mega bytes
5. Programmable Controllers - An Engineer's Guide 17.90 Mega bytes
6. Techniques for Adaptive Control 3.01 Mega bytes
7. Advanced Control Engineering 2.14 Mega bytes
8. Embedded Controller Hardware Design 0.91 Mega bytes

others free download

1. Classical Electrodynamics for Undergraduates 0.67 Mega bytes
2. Electrostatic Hazards 1.58 Mega bytes

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